Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thought for the day....

Take a deep, cleansing breath...and dare to switch off the endless gadgets, "smart" devices,
uber-fab laptops and monitors, and the idiot box chock full of reality shows and tabloid culture bits about celebrities having mental meltdowns and girls and women behaving badly towards each other. Go outside for a long walk. Take a book and read in the park. Go explore an art gallery and spend a couple hours looking at the art. Hop the bus or subway and explore the city. Take your skateboard and try some tricks you haven't done in a while -- or have never, ever tried. Call a friend, a real friend, and catch up....even dare to meet them face-to-face and have a direct conversation for an hour or more over coffee or a meal -- and no checking the computer for Assbook status updates from other "friends". Remember, you already have a friend sitting in front of you who took out the time to be with you. Give him/her your attention and eye contact....not your back and a flat, distracted voice. I'm sure kids raised in other eras and areas may have heard it...but back in the 70's growing up in Chicago we often heard the phrase: "play outside until the streetlights come on". Looking at the modern, mega detached and distracted times we're living in that phrase is a piece of timeless, golden advice. Dare to take a break and give yourself permission to do it...OFTEN.

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