Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Got plans for Monday, April 4??????

 Many people forget that Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis while trying to speak out and take a stand for striking African-American sanitation workers who were fighting hard for equal pay, safer working conditions and paid days off for severe weather.  If you haven't heard the rumblings yet, there are some demos and actions being planned for this anniversary of Dr. King's death to make a bold, loud stand in solidarity with working people and union members across the country who are facing the union-busting insanity currently being felt from coast to coast.  There's a lot of info in the link below which can help you get connected to some of the actions that are being planned -- and you're even welcome to create and spread the word about your own, too.

No effort for change is ever too little or too small.  We must remember the gains of the past and the origins of the labor movement and unions because too many politicians and corporate businesses are turning their back on the truth and trying to revise the history of the past to suit the needs of the new "Ownership Class".  Connect with your elder family members who may have been in unions or are now facing losses of pensions, etc.  Record their stories for your families' posterity and post them on YouTube or your social networks to help educate and inspire others -- especially the young generations out there.  Remember the recent 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in NYC and the hellish deaths faced by those young girls and women who were just trying to make a living and a new life for themselves and their families and found themselves locked inside a raging inferno because their bosses thought they were thieves and didn't want to lose merchandise.  Remember them.  Remember what it was like when children worked in factories and there was no such thing as an 8 hour workday or 40 hour workweek.  Remember what it was like when workers (particularly children) lost fingers and limbs inside machinery and didn't receive any sort of adequate compensation for their injury.  Remember them.  Remember what it was like when there was no oversight or organizations -- like OSHA -- in charge of workplace safety and ensuring healthy working conditions.  

Regardless of how hell-bent many of these politicians and corporate heads are trying keep everyone divided and ignorant of each others' struggles, it's not working.  We are one.

click for info on the April 4 Day of Action:

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