Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My absolute favorite version of Ave Maria...EVER.

Does anyone else remember a 1960's/70's era Christmas compilation album that had a batch of rad Xmas songs and carols with this supreme version of Ave Maria by Leontyne Price and the Men and Boys Choir of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in NYC???  I swear it was by RCA -- I can just see the yellow/gold mid section of the album spinning around my old, small portable hard plastic "suitcase" record player.  I'm really confused about the cover -- I remember there was a close-up of either a little kid reaching for a shiny glass ornament on a lit Xmas tree...or maybe it was a big stylized sort of mod ornament on the cover?? Or an illustration of people ice skating on a pond while festooned Xmas decor was everywhere??  I wish I could remember.  Sadly, my mom's cool Xmas albums are long, long gone, but it warms my heart to see this on YouTube.  I used to play this song over....and over....and over.  My mom totally understood because she adored Leontyne's other operatic works.  My dad....not so much.  Her voice hits such an emotional cord.  The sound of her voice projecting and filling the hall...and then the graceful moment when the Men and Boys Choir finally join in.  It's like a magical breath and such graceful pacing. So simple and so powerful.  Truly a classic.

Here's hoping everyone is having drama-free holidaze ahead.  If you need a little pick-me-up...look and listen...or close your eyes and put the world on hold for the next several minutes.

PS......... I still wish she had been cast in DIVA.  Goddess help us if someone suddenly gets the idea to remake that wonderful film, too.  

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