Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Um...Social Security...and Medicare....???????????

Hmmmm....what is the mark of a civil, strong, incredible society to you??

Priorities concerned with spending trillions on weapons of war, fighting multiple wars and being more concerned for the affairs of corporations and satisfying the wealthy???

Or is it insane to think a civil, strong, incredible society would actually dare to be concerned for its most vulnerable citizens????????  What THE FUCK is this insane tug-of-war over Social Security and Medicare???  Oh....wait....did I miss the memo or some official tweet??  Now I remember....I'm among the insane ones who think that it makes more sense to tax the wealthy citizenry of this country and make the corporate vultures and greedy banks pay up rather than pound the hell out of the poor, disabled, elderly, homeless and disadvantaged citizens of this country (and you'd better believe I'm including military vets in that esteemed company, as well).   Yup....we're the dippy hippies and crazy, liberal anarcho/punk radicals for thinking such things.  Who are these people living SSI/SSDI paycheck-to-paycheck with Medicare as their only insurance??  Living on foodstamps and facing frequent decisions to choose whether to pay for their meds versus buying food versus which utility/etc. bill to pay for the month??  Suuuuure...go ahead and skip sending their August check (and fuck the rest of the year while you're at it!) -- they'll rebound!  Hell, it might just force your lazy 75 year old upstairs neighbor and the bipolar schizoid woman next door to go back to work a job or two -- who was it who once called that "uniquely American??What the hell was I thinking??? 

Click if you haven't already seen the latest installment of this absolute political clusterfuck:

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