Saturday, May 5, 2012


It's been such a screwy week.  I need to put it all behind me.  There's a nice cool breeze blowing in my windows....I turned off all of the lights and I'm ready to rest on my bed and watch the south-eastern night sky above my apartment.  There's a beautiful, bright glow hidden behind one of the high apartments nearby.  The minutes tick by and I'm hoping the fog won't roll in and block it from emerging into view. 

One of the major reasons I took this apartment was for the southern view in my windows.  I love the sun on my face in the morning...and watching the moon at night.  The moon was so beautiful last night, the moonlight filled my room. And tomorrow is a full moon.  I wonder how large this moon will really look tonight if we're lucky to see it out here in San Francisco.   Have you seen it yet where you are??  The Supermoon????   Let's all take a much-needed break from our computers, gadgets and stress.  Let's watch the skies for a while. 

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