Monday, January 16, 2012

Angela Davis speaks at the 40th anniversary of MLK's death

This was a great speech.  Food for thought and a much-needed reminder. There is so much work to be done and each and every one of us has a part to play. It didn't all begin with Dr. King....and it didn't all end with his murder. He was one of many warriors in the great struggle for equality and civil rights. Be inspired. Be sensitive. Stay conscious. Take a stand and do something

If you can't march in the streets and do civil disobedience or get arrested, take a committed stand in your personal life to raise your voice whenever you're around people (including family and close friends) who make racist jokes...sexist jokes...homophobic jokes.  

Raise your voice whenever you're around people who use racist slurs and homophobic slurs.  

Raise your voice whenever you hear others calling people "retards" or using disparaging words to describe people with physical challenges and mental disabilities.

Raise your voice whenever you hear/see violence and inequality towards women and girls.

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