Monday, May 2, 2011

Thoughts for the day....

"No man can know where he is going unless he knows exactly where he has been and exactly how he arrived at his present place." -- Dr. Maya Angelou

Dr. Angelou deep in her process

Do you know this Ghanaian Adinkra symbol known as the Sankofa?  Its meaning is roughly translated as "return and retrieve what was left behind". It's also often related to the wisdom of learning from the past or being doomed to repeat it.

This is also another version of the Sankofa.  Growing up in cities like Chicago and NYC, it's always struck me that this image is often used on, of all things, burglar bars.  Take a look around and see if you can spot them.  Maybe the designer was clueless and it was just a creative coincidence.  I do hope this was the case.  If not, it's very cruel irony that an African symbol would be used to adorn such a thing.                   

Click for some food for thought in the shadow of all of the anti-Obama birther insanity:

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