Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"How Did We Go From 'Yes We Can' to 'Ya Know, Whatever'?"

I still can't believe it's been 4 years. So many promises still echo in my ears lately -- especially the one about "putting on comfortable shoes" and marching with union members in Wisconsin and closing Guantánamo Bay.  It's hard. Want to have hope. I know he inherited a fucked up FUBAR of a mess carried over from the past 30 years and more of political corruption, greed and negligence. I know he's in a red-hot "hot seat". I know it's going to take time to put this behemoth of a damaged nation back on its tracks. But I had hope that he'd keep his progressive voice and focus of "change" for us who have less or have none. Never thought he'd be surrounded by Wall Street. Never thought he would move so close to the center and ignore the voices of the progressives and other conscience-minded, hopeful folks who helped elect him. Never thought New Orleans would still be off the radar of concerns. Never thought the genocide in Darfur and Sudan would be side-stepped like it was under dubya. Never thought millions and billions would STILL be flooding the war machine's bottomless pit -- and I never thought we'd be on the threshold of starting a 3rd war. 

I keep thinking about Kucinich. I keep thinking about Britain and their multiple parties and parliament. Granted, nothing will ever be perfect and we really are arrogant kids compared to the history of governments in so much of the rest of the "western world"...but how fucking amazing would it be to have a Labor Party that strives to represent the concerns of the working class, working poor, lower income/poor and needy citizens of this troubled nation over the concerns of the rich and corporate CEO's and tycoons?? The Dems are just as bad as the republicans. I wish with all of my heart that I felt otherwise. We really are living in an age under taxation without representation -- the rich and the "haves" of corporate america are the ones being represented in Washington...not the rest of us. How is it that General Electric got away with the obscene madness of not paying a penny of taxes of last year for all of the billions they made (and the billions more they got back as a refund)?? How is it that no one from Wall Street is sitting in a 6 foot by 8 foot jail cell right now for the unbelievable mess they created and the larceny they got away with?? Will they be prosecuted for the suicides and acts of desperation that occurred when people lost their homes and everything they worked for?? And now....2012 is approaching. Will Kucinich try to run again?? Will president Obama finally find his voice and stand strong on his promises? For anyone old enough to relate to this, remember when your mom held out that spoon of gross castor oil (or any variety of yucky liquid meds)?? I may be crazy, but I'm sure as hell not voting for the republicans. I'm getting ready to pinch my nose and swallow.  We need sanity in the supreme court.

click for a bit of levity and a dose of reality from the Daily Show:

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