Thursday, April 21, 2011

Have you seen this bigotry??

Kind of makes sense with her being a republican from Orange County. It's still a tiring, blistering outrage.  Sometimes...I wish I could close my eyes...and open them to a much more diverse and balanced future where people are long past playing sandbox games and all-out raging deadly battles over race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, gender, class and so many more polarizing, divisive issues.  Then again...once we get past all of that stuff, maybe humans will still find us-versus-them sorts of games to play and divide the "strange" with the "familiar". Like maybe in a 100 years or so, people will, instead, be arguing over who has the coolest toothpaste and which car flies the farthest -- will our dreams of futuristic George Jetson cars ever come true??  Kind of hoped we would've had them by the year 2000...anyhoo.  Maybe it will be over cola flavors and soda pop.   I'm so tired of this shit.  Right about now, I'd take the old "cola wars" any day over this racist hate.  When does it end??

Click for a slice of insanity and denial:

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