Sunday, April 17, 2011

Food for thought....

When you think of the words "extremist" or "terrorist"...who or what immediately comes to mind??
Do you see brown-skinned men with prayer rugs and women wearing burquas and hijabs??

Or do you think of Timothy McVeigh, the klan and the militia/white power movement??
You should.

Click for a very sobering article and video from David Holthouse of Media Matters:


  1. I like your blog! By the way, If u have time, drop by my painting blog. Thanks!.. .daniel

  2. Blessings

    I don't see any particular person per say rather I think of people who choose to do what they do simply because they choose to hence their face, gender, color, ethnicity, heritage, culture can be anything.

    love your art piece Wish so hard 2004
